Education & Training


Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) offers a number of free webinars for health care providers to encourage interdisciplinary excellence in psychosocial research education and clinical practice in oncology. Visit the CAPO website for a list of current offerings. 

Start the Talk is a guide for health care professionals and educators to support children and teens when a family member has cancer. Visit the CAPO website for more information.


CancerChatCanada is an online, professionally-led online support for Canadians affected by cancer. They offer psychosocial articles, practice tools, courses, and training for health care professionals. 


Interprofessional Psychosocial Oncology Distance Education (IPODE) offers continuing education and academic courses to enhance the oncology practice. 

de Souza

de Souza Institute offers education to empower healthcare professionals to provide the best cancer and palliative care.